Friday, December 30, 2011

Template: Font "indie flower" NOT WORKING and Staying late

It's kinda annoying that my very favorite font isn't working for a pretty template so I had no choice but to opt to "coming soon". Geez... I stayed on my current template : )

It's already 02:29 and am still not sleeping. LOL. I don't wanna sleep.. I think. I haven't done a single homework and I've got tons of it. Aw... Last minute cramming doesn't work in this country. Poor me T_T...

My eyes are kind of tir.. no, SUPER TIRED and my head is spinning like I just finished riding the roller coaster (which I have never been into). Dizzy like "you spin my head right round, right round when you go down"*Right Round by Flo-Rida playing* except that I'm alone here. With how I say things, I sound weird but I AM NOT TRYING TO BE WEIRD! There are just these times that I act weird. LoL... :))

Anyway, staying late isn't healthy at all. I'm having ugly eye pockets and they really make me 15 years older. Normally, I look 10 years older. With make up, they kind of get confused whether or not I'm married ha ha! Trust me, I've been called "Madame" so I'm pretty sure that my face is very old compared to my age... and height (5 feet tall.. no more, no less). Plus I don't eat healthy foods which makes my skin more uglier and drier. Urghhh.. I'm busy flooding this new blog so it doesn't look empty : )

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